Monday, January 12, 2009

Day Two: More of the Same--and a Thought

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Peanut Butter Crunch Bar (and coffee)—the breakfast of champions
Midmorning Snack: French Vanilla Shake 
Taste: 5 (not bad. everything good about the banana creme shake is good about this, and everything bad as well; this is essentially the banana creme shake minus the not-unpleasant artificial banana flavor, plus slightly less not-unpleasant artificial vanilla flavor. I happen to like the taste of banana—or artificial banana—more than artificial vanilla, your mileage may vary.)
Fillingness: 4.5
Presentation: 6

Lunch: Chicken and Wild Rice Soup
Taste: 6 (Ah, something new. This isn't bad either—is it open-mindedness or hunger that's pushing me to grade all this stuff on a curve?—but the taste and authenticity of this as being, well, soup are reasonably good. There's actual rice in it, and what passes for chicken—the spongy bits that you find in Cup O Noodles, more or less. Not much by way of flavor, but this can be addressed with third-party spices.)
Fillingness: 5 (Thin stuff, but, eh, it does the job.)
Presentation: 6.5 (This actually looks like soup. Somewhat creamy—or is that "creme-y"—with ornamental vegetables and chunklets of meatish stuff.)

One small issue with this meal—it's probably the  most challenging to prepare of any "instant" meal I've ever seen. Multiple episodes of stirring and microwaving and then re-stirring and re-microwaving, then letting it "cook in its own steam" for 3 to 5 minutes...this is a 10-minute prep job here. So, uh, savor it.

Early Afternoon Snack: More Banana Pudding

Late Afternoon Snack: More BoldBanana Creme Shake

Dinner: Chinese REAL FOOD! Takeout Chicken and Broccoli
I dunno if this blew my diet or not, but my wife was working and I didn't have time to, I ate around 7 ounces of chicken and all the broccoli from a a local takeout joint. The sauces and preparation (there's gotta be starch in there) probably means this was a no-no, but for f*ck's sake, we live in a real world here and I'm doing my best. 

Oh yeah, according to my scale I've lost 3 pounds already. But this is almost certainly some combination of water and clothing, so yeah, ignore.

Sudden realization: As I made a bottle for my 10-month-old, it struck me that this diet has effectively put him and us on a level playing field. Liquids and mushy solids and the occasional crispy treat? Check. Powdered food that needs to be mixed with water and shaken? Check. Eating every two hours? Check. Someone should just go all the way and create the "Revert to Infancy Diet" and be done with it. Though I'm not sure who'd want a diet that would cause you to double in size over the course of a year....

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